Released VR games and experiences
Check this page for older releases and for progress updates on current projects.
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Idea Engine (read more)
An interactive mind map where you can bring your ideas to life. Load custom models, images and sounds to create interactive, non-linear stories, games or training scenarios.

120Hz (read more)
A lightning fast, yet smooth, space scavenger game that explores Oculus Quest's 120Hz mode. While having to run super fast, this game also continuously animates 22k pieces of space junk.

Horse Arc - product evaluation (read more)
A case study into using webVR to assist the sales process using VR and in the desktop browser. Created for the Amazon Sumerian AR/VR Challenge. Winner of the Brand Engagement and Retail category.

Jigsaw 360 (read more)
Created to demonstrate the power of 6 degree of freedom tracking on mobile VR platforms. Jigsaw 360 shows off high resolution images while allowing the pieces to be assembled with great precision.

Breath Tech (read more)
Designed to demonstrate various uses for breath detection. This mini-game allows you to use your HMD's microphone to project your breath into VR and use it to solve puzzles.

Dimesional (read more)
Dimensional forces physical movement to increase immersion and places the player in various situations to see how it makes them feel - including heights, narrow ledges, confined spaces, careful movement through spikes and much more.

The Relentless (read more)
The aim of this project is to adapt the game to your height and playing area, provide good interaction techniques, force you to move around rapidly and introduce safety techniques to make you more comfortable while moving.
Released 24 Oct 2017

Game Jams and Prototypes
(read more)
This page will be updated with smaller projects that are submitted to game jams or just produced as part of an experiment.